What is an Eisendrache worth in dragon adventures? - Gaming Pedia (2024)

Based on the provided information, an Eisendrache is worth 25,000 Coins in Dragon Adventures.

Is A Rhyndac rare?

According to the data, the Rhyndac has an 85% chance of hatching from the Prehistoric Egg. With the Lucky Egg gamepass, the Rhyndac has a 73.91% chance of hatching.

What is the strongest dragon in dragon adventures?

The Mother Dragon is considered the strongest dragon in Dragon Adventures with 8,000 health at level 20 and 1,200 attack. Its superior stats even surpass that of a Skelltor’s, making it a formidable opponent in grounded battles.

How much is geoteryx worth in dragon adventures?

Based on personal experience, Geoteryx is typically bought for a price between 200k-300k Coins. However, prices can vary depending on mutations or colors. A reasonable price for a Geoteryx could be around 400k Coins.

How rare is paranox?

The Paranox has a 1% chance of hatching from the Paranormal Egg. With the Lucky Egg gamepass, the Paranox has a 1.942% chance of hatching.

EISENDRACHE Showcase NM vs FM + The VIRIDIK is back! Dragon Adventures

This question does not provide relevant information to determine the rarity or worth of an Eisendrache in Dragon Adventures.

How much is a Eisen worth in Dragon Adventures?

As mentioned earlier, an Eisen is worth 25,000 Coins in Dragon Adventures.

How rare is falugeis?

The obtainability of a falugeis is currently unknown based on the provided data.

What is the highest DMG in Dragon Adventures?

The Mother Dragon has the highest combination of health and damage with 8,000 health at level 20 and 1,200 attack.

How rare is robodon?

The Robodon has a 0.952% chance of hatching from the Mecha Egg. With the Lucky Egg gamepass, the Robodon has a 1.818% chance of hatching.

How rare is Tosknir?

Tosknir was removed from the Winter Egg 2021 after the 2021 Winter Event. It had a 0.25% chance of hatching from the Winter Egg 2022. With the Lucky Egg gamepass, the Tosknir had a 0.5% chance of hatching.

What is the slowest flying dragon in Dragon Adventures?

The Gronckle is known as the slowest flying dragon in Dragon Adventures, but it is relatively fast on the ground.

What is the slowest dragon in Dragon Adventures?

The Gronckle is considered the slowest dragon in Dragon Adventures.

What is the rare dragon?

A rare dragon refers to dragons with low population densities or limited ranges. The rarity can be based on low population numbers or restricted distribution areas.

How rare is the royal dragon?

The rarity of a royal dragon is determined by the requirement of 3 breaths and being a black egg. There is a 5% base chance of a black egg being a Royal dragon egg. Certain breeding pair traits can increase the chance, such as Sparkling (1% boost), Glistening (1.5% boost), and Radiant (2.5% boost).

How rare is Aranga?

The Aranga has a 1% chance of hatching from the Easter Egg 2022. With the Lucky Egg gamepass, the Aranga has a 1.98% chance of hatching.

What is Dragon Adventures codes?

Dragon Adventures codes can provide special in-game items or bonuses. Some known codes include JUSTYBLOX, AESUBREALM, FLUFFY, GALIFRAN, and SHAMEWING, which offer preset potions.

Are Razorwhips rare?

Razorwhips are considered Rare dragons of the Sharp Class in Dragon Adventures.

Are Rumblehorns rare?

Rumblehorns are considered Rare dragons of the Tracker Class in Dragon Adventures.

Is Caraxes the best dragon?

Caraxes is known as one of the most formidable dragons in battle. Its experience and ferocity make it highly sought after. While it may not be the largest dragon like Vhagar, it is able to hold its own in combat.

How rare is Alrenoth in Dragon Adventures?

The Alrenoth has a 5% chance of hatching from the Tundra Egg. With the Lucky Egg gamepass, the Alrenoth has a 10% chance of hatching.

What is the fastest running dragon in Dragon Adventures?

According to the data, Venids are the fastest running dragons in Dragon Adventures.

How much is Geoteryx worth?

Prices for Geoteryx can vary, but based on personal experience, it is usually bought for 200k-300k Coins. Mutations or colors can also affect the price, and 400k Coins is considered a reasonable price for a Geoteryx.

How rare is a Skriffei?

With the Lucky Egg gamepass, the Skriffei has a 14.85% chance of hatching.

How much is a Hexalios worth?

According to the data, the price range for a Hexalios can be between 400k and 1.2 million Coins. The range of prices depends on the dragon’s characteristics and condition.

What is an Eisendrache worth in dragon adventures? - Gaming Pedia (2024)
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